People all over the globe have succumbed to the racist European ideology of white superiority versus melenated inferiority.
Now these invaded and conquered lands have been terraformed from the inside out.
The inside meaning the mindset and the outside meaning their way of life.
In China, India, Africa, South Korea, Japan and the West Indies islands, skin lightener (whitener) is the biggest, most profitable comestic product and business to date.
The Doctrine of Discovery, Imperialism and Colonial racist Europeans have left an ugly mark all over the earth.
But today, these countries can't use Europeans as a crutch and use them as an excuse.
They should be held accountable for promoting a racist caste system
Just because you were conquered doesn't mean you have to stay conquered.
(Your mind & heart can remain free)
Just because you were a slave doesn't mean you have to stay one.
(Mental slavery is the worst kind because you volunteer for enslavement and mistreatment by accepting it as the norm)...
....Like the elephant whose only tethered by a thin rope
.....or the domesticated pet dog who doesn't know how to survive on his own anymore
......or the flea that quits trying to escape his box
......or the human being who thinks his government loves him and has his best interest in mind despite the horrible history of blood and gore that made the government great in the eyes of most (not all) proud European American....
The Star Spangled Banner poem is the very embodiment of their racism, they removed the racist verse and that was supposed to make it great. The creation of the song was born out of colonial racism, domination and to instill fear. If you don't already know this then start your research to see what you find.
And dare not speak against will become a target of every white supremacist and slave mentality non European person out there....Including the media.
Whites who spoke out against their own peoples crimes were usually killed as well. Hung from a tree just like the people of color they defended and spoke up for and in some cases took up arms for.
Many times our caucasian allies who also join us in the medicine wheel are lumped in collectively as benefitting from white privilege when many actually don't but I'll take just one moment to clear up the confusion.
I've personally had these uncomfortable conversations with white people from the same side of the tracks to get their take on all of this.
White privilege is basically another way of saying white opportunity. There's certain plugs or paths that exist that only white people can walk through. In order for them to be able to walk through these doors that most certainly do exist means they have to disassociate themselves with you or straddle the fence and place both sides by not letting the left know certain things about the right HOWEVER theres some caucasian people who don't play those games and actually despise it and when it becomes known these paths of opportunity that did exist for them disappear and they find themselves in the struggle with the rest of us.
They become irritated and offended when told they are beneficiaries of white privilege when in actuality they could but through their actions and affiliations with POF chose not to be a part of that. Not to mention caucasians who marry POF, have children with POC or stand up shoulder to shoulder with POC (people of color) against this system. An American of European descent will lose this opportunity by just being a free thinker instead of opting to be herded with the collective.
They would be killed just like a POC by a white supremacist as a "N-ger' Lover" if the opportunity arose and po presented itself.
So, when was America ever great which birthed the mantra "lets make America great again?
American culture leads the world with incarceration rates (Incarceration Nation) steadily climbing and as of today we lead the world in covid related deaths weather you believe in covid or not. The deaths are real regardless of the cause and America is leading this race so when was it great?
I tell you what, ask around and see.
•Ask an Indigenous American person from the Eastern Woodlands to the Plains to the westcoast(slave codes, jim crow, boarding schools, Pine Ridge's 3rd world conditions, identity crises, sterilizations, land, water, food, etc etc etc...)
•Ask an African(rape of a continent's resources while they remain poor and scourge of the planet when in fact they have a proud history and contributionto humanity)
•Ask a Black American(identity crises, Jim crow, slave codes, inequality, police brutality, etc)
•Ask a Japanese person (concentration camps)
•Ask a Haitian (poorest in the western hemisphere due to French and American greed and racism)
•Ask a Hawaiian (Kingdom overthrown in our modern era with them actively fighting imperialism today to regaintheir sovereignty)
•Ask a Puerto Rican (neglected during the hurricane disaster and told they weren't real Americans and made to feel that way through Americas presidential administrations neglect)
•Ask a Mexican / Anyone south of the border (caged like animals and actually referred to as rapist and animals by rich Americans and their indoctrinated flunkies)
These folks might have a different opinion of America being great.
Then ask a white person.
This will show how deep European racism is and how Sheeple (people who will follow anything) so easily fall for it, they create religious movements over it and are willing to kill you and your family for it and they are willing to even die for it.
Did you know these religious holy men called their own women witches and burned them alive at the stake....yeah you know it because you see it played out in movies and SyFy so how can you forget that this was very real and not a fictional movie.
Do you know how many awesome women I know today that would've been burned alive back then?
Black women, Indigenous women, Eastern Woodlands women, Plains native women, Hawaiian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Oceania and caucasian women, all of you who dare to stand up instead of bending to patriarchy, all of you healers, water protectors, mothers, grandmothers and nurturers, all of you beautiful and wonderful women would've found yourselves tied and bound to a stake while a group of religious people stood in front of you listening to the preacher condemned you while they're cheering him on as the men of the village lit it up and started burning you alive.
Today women are still mistreated through Patriarchy.
Did you know they would cut open pregnant mothers bellies to extract the unborn child and feed it to their hungry dogs. Have you ever seen a dog that was breed to eat humans?
Most dog breeds today were bred for a specific purpose, usually for hunting a specific animal. Well there was a time in history when we was the animal being hunted.
They even fed toddlers to gators hence the slang, "Gator Bait"
They were masters at separating children from their parents for whatever reason they chose... and it was LEGAL.
Kind of what you see happening today with I.C.E. and the Mexican children in cages.
They did so much more, too numerous to name... Like I said, Blood & Gore
And you want to make it great again. This is their legacy of greatness.
The only way to correct the imbalance will have to come from the Earth Mother...
man is too far gone to self correct itself because man has set the course of self destruction at least this is what many elders teach from the Hopi to our folks here in the east.
All I can say is, get back to your roots. Learn to live off the land like your ancestors did.
To my people, my blood relatives lighter skinned then me and those who are darker,(we are family, like it or lump it) (your skin doesn't matter, your blood does and being human and compassionate does) train your mind, body and spirit the Indigenous way and to every one else, listen to Indigenous people because it could save you and your generations from destruction.
The other ways have failed us and lastly in one word, ....(((PREPARE)))
I don't know nearly as much as I would like to know that's why I'm always engaged in some type of self improvement, education and being a better person today than I was yesterday.
I hope to host Indigenous Survival Workshops or a Survival Weekend in the fall of 2021with selected Instructors helping in specialized areas of expertise whenever this virus dies down.
Nya'we disne Oo'neh
Eagle Elk
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