Thursday, February 14, 2019


Greko-Roman "Europeans" refer to their land as (Fatherland)

Indigenous people around the world choose to say (Motherland)

Greko-Roman "Europeans" refer to their Ancestors as (Forefathers).....
their mothers are usually of less importance

Indigenous people simply just say (Ancestors)....
including both Maternal and Paternal

Greko-Roman "Europeans" say after your 3rd or 4th cousin, all else is distant... almost like non relatives

Indigenous people say all of their blood kin are relatives, are family and not capped at any number. Even the plants, animals and heavenly body's are family.

Greko-Roman "Europeans" usually claim their future generations no further than their grandchildren and great-grandchildren because you(Greko-Roman) could possibly still be alive to see your great grandchildren... other words you have to somehow be involved, be around, be present, somehow benefit from it or be able to put your hands on it in order for you to do something for them because in the long run, it's benefiting your present time.

Seven generations into the future, you won't be there so in your mind, who cares that far into the future.

Indigenous people plan to the 7th generation knowing full well they will have passed away long before even the 4th or 5th generation are even born into existence.

This requires Indigenous Selflessness versus European Selfishness.

Selfish is only thinking now, Selfless is thinking future.

Greko-Roman European descent say we are saved through technology

Indigenous people say our current technology will be humanities downfall.

Looks like mother earth is agreeing with the indigenous people on this matter after the climate control failures, greenhouse gas emissions, oil spills on land and water, GenX and PFAS contamination of our water ways with airborne emissions contaminating animals, gardens and wells.

Even after Indigenous protest and our explanations of the dangers of pipelines, people of European descent close a blind eye to Indigenous peoples words, to their protest and bulldoze the land anyway, burying pipelines all over the place, even sacred places while their representatives and Politicians talk about how safe it is and creating jobs then later down the road finding out that everything the indigenous peoples said came true just like Standing Rock.

Every pipeline leaks and has leaked just like the water protectors said.

Europeans believe in defacing sacred lands to carve out their faces in mountains...

Indigenous people try and protect such areas from things like this.

The Black Hills is sacred Sioux land.....what did the conquring Greko-Roman European occupiers do, they carved their FOREFATHERS faces into the sacred Black Hills which overlooks the Lakota people as a reminder of your conquerors and your defeat.

In Rhode Island you steal land and build a major university on it called Brown University.

In North Carolina, you drive farm equipment over our land and plow the remains of our ancestors. You did this everywhere you stepped foot on the ground.

Indigenous people honor their older people and the elders had power in the community while....

... Greko-Roman older people are looked at as an inconvenience, "please die already" nuisance... Ready to be shipped to a rest home.

The modern way of life has made it almost impossible to take care of yourself, your family and care for your aged parents and grandparents so rest homes becomes necessary in some cases just to make sure the loved one is getting proper medical care.

Indigenous people and Europeans views of world, politics, family and sustainability are as different as Coca-Cola and Orange juice.

They're both drinks and they both contain acid but one of the acids is naturally occurring in nature which is the orange while the other acid is manufactured in a plant which is the Coca-Cola.

One comes from a Plant (building) while the other comes from a Plant (earth plants).

One HEALS and the other KILLS

White man tells the Indian to relocate to another land and live or we will take the land and you will die,

Indian says, to be disconnected from our land is already death

White man says, when your heart stops beating and you're put 6ft under in the ground that's when you're really dead.

Indian says as long as the drum beats, my heart beats, as long as we sing and dance my heart beats and as long as earth mother is here, my heart beats, so good luck with that and to us nothing truly does, it changes & transforms.

White man says, you don't believe you can die chief?

Indian says, sure I can because I agreed to. If you kill me it's because I agreed to go. In battle there's always the chance of death.  I'm ok with this reality but remember this.... I'll be back.

White man says, what the hell. You a crazy one ain'tcha

Indian says, that's the difference in our thinking and yours because we are apart of the circle of life.

We are apart of the great circle sphere or spirit so when you put us in the ground our heartbeat transforms & synchronizes into the collective consciousness of Earth mother's heartbeat and universal consciousness.

We don't die, we multiply and yes I may be a little crazy because in my mind I want to believe you can change but in my heart I feel you won't because you choose not to.

White man says, think about your children and your grandchildren, they will be dead if you don't relocate.  

Are you thinking about your children? Just give up the land without a fight. You can't win.

Indian says, we always think of our children and grandchildren all the way up to seven generations ahead of ourselves because to only think of ourselves in the present is selfish, you know, kinda like the way you think.

We are always thinking about our old people, our babies, our mothers and all of our people and we don't do this out of obligation, we do this because it's the right thing to do.

With all that you have done to us, our proof is in the fact that we are having this conversation right at this very moment; we still exist because of our thinking and way of life.

We Indigenous First Peoples think circular while you Europeans think linear.

We dance in a circle counter clockwise and clockwise while you Square dance, instead of your dance having a natural flow, you have corners and angles which impedes the flow of energy.

Whiteman greets eachother with what you fear the most, Hell, as in Hello. And you know what, Hell is low.

Indian People are a state of perpetual forward motion, growth and evolution in sync with earth mother. We look inward to connect to spirit.

Whiteman loves to explore by looking out from himself and his evolution is built on the backs of those considered inferior.

Indian explores by going within to better understand without

Whitemans word is only good on paper like your Contracts and your contracts are really CONTRAPS because you trap us by contract and keep us in this slavery system which is hidden in plain sight.

Indians word is good when spoken.

The power of our word is brought to life through our actions

Your words have been lies and your actions, deceit.

So with your history of lies and deceit, this shows how differently we think..  .  .

.........and all of a sudden I suppose to take you as the truth and authority about race, ethnicity, spirituality and religion, democracy and all things righteous....I don't think so.

All of your technological advances and genetically engineered foods have made the peoples health poor and morale low.

Indians greet eachother by saying peace in our various tongues

Whiteman needs a be in the presence of God. Your place has walls. It's a confinement.

Indians only needs to be in the present. Our building is nature. Our place has no borders, no walls.

White man wants his woman to be quiet and speak only when spoken to.

Indian women are leaders of nations and speak when they feel like speaking

White man says babies are created and born without instructions

Indian says we have instructions called Clan system, The Great Law of Peace and our Elders.

Again, Our blood relatives are limitless....

...while yours relatives aren't claimed after 3rd or 4th cousin and you call them distant.

You waste food: restaurants & grocery stores throw away food all the time... (You should give it to the hungry).

Indians don't waste food. It's disrespectful and inhuman

Banks shred money all the time to make place for new printed money (you should give it to the poor)

Indians don't teach the concept of wealth. We prefer value in words, deeds and actions.

You take what's free and abundant and charge money to have it (water & air should be free).

You take a nontoxic plant (tobacco) and say it kills, then you add toxins to it so it can really do what you said it will do and then charge outrageous medical bills for treatment of something you caused in the first place.

The Indians have PLANTS but so does the whiteman.

Our Plant is our medicine

Your Plant manufactures pills that you call your medicine

Earth mother produces our Plants which has roots and leaves

Man produces your Plants which are buildings that produces pollution which destroys the soil our plants grow in.

The natural, real human being lives in harmony with nature and being one with nature helps understand, protect and appreciate nature.

•It's the snakes nature to strike.

•It's the Scorpions nature to sting.

•Its the Wolf's nature to bite.

•It's the Bears nature to protect its young.

•It's man's nature to understand the nature of all things to be a better protector of nature.

You come from a land across the the water where it's natural for you to dominate, subjugate and own everything.

You own women, people and land;

Women are your property that's why you give them away during marriage to become the property of another man called husband.....

Some  men even pay the dad a dowry for the daughter. She's bought and sold
.....( dowry is payment for the transfer of merchandise or property) own people and their generations via enslavement..... subdue, conquer and own the land(that's not yours, you stole)

You brag about conquering the world and you feel it's your God given right because of Gen 1:28

....... fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth

The Indian doesn't own any living thing outside of himself. He owns his words, deeds and actions. This makes the Indian a responsible human being.

You Greko-Roman even own the creator by making creator into a male and one who looks just like you. You assigned a gender to the Great Mystery so this concept is your creation.

You create false images and pictures to make sure we know it's your likeness on the images and how you and creator are one in the same.

Indian says, creator is the great mystery.... No Indian can claim what they don't know. We know we are a part of creator in this great circle which connects the 4Directions into a constant flow.

Creator can be any being in the great circle. An animal, insect or even a plant.

Today the whitemans manmade plants are terraforming the planet and all living beings.

Mans mind is being Mined,
Mans body is being Manufactured

Man today does not act like a real human being.
He acts MAN•U•FRACTURED (UnNatural)

Earth is for Natural beings who are stewards, caretakers, cultivators and protectors.

UnNatural people poison our air, water, land and our body's because it's not yours and if you can't have it then none can have it..

Indian says to the whiteman,  you are truly a master of conquering and subduing all beings.

When you finally conquer and subdue your ego, we will have this talk again.

To turn the UnNatural being into a Natural one, you will need to conquer your ego first.

Then realize the spark or flame that exist in all human beings.

Pilot is a flame.
When your flame is low, give it a blow(this oxygen helps protect the flame)

Pilot is a flame or (Leader)
Flame is (fire)
Fire is Life

Indian said Fire gives life but the

Whiteman uses fire to take lives.

Your bombs are full of atomic & nuclear fire.

The natural persons Solar Plexus (fire) is the center, bringing balance
to the rest of the body while the heart balances all of your energetic systems which can be found in your chakras.

The Solar Plexus is the Leader, Pilot, Flame and Fire.......

Be who your ancestors created you to be. Aspire to Inspire.

Keep Planting Seeds, mentally, spiritually, physically and Learn to become a Responsible Human Being.

Learning is a process that's required to

evolve into a better Human being.

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