Thursday, December 5, 2013


The 7 subtle bodies of a human being (Human Nature) Somewhere in the forum (OBE) I mentioned of the astral body. I thought it would be good to create a topic to talk more about the bodies of a human being. You might have heard about this theory of 7 bodies a human being is composed of. you wonder if that's is true. something in you might have whispered that it's true. Well you're are not mistaken as this is so true. you might ask yourself, where are those 7 bodies in us? how do they all fit in us ? That physical body we have and we can all see in the mirror, contains the rest of the bodies (the 6 remaining bodies). The 6 remaining bodies are invisible and do not all have a human form (legs, arms, head etc), especially not the last 3 bodies, I'll mention below. Here's the list: 1)Physical body 2Etheric Body 3)Astral body 4)Mental Body 5)Causal body 6)Buddic Body 7)Atmic Body All those bodies all occupies the same space, in us. they mix like water in a brick, or milk in water. If we take the brick as our physical body, then water is the invisible body, the Etheric body. And if you understand that you can add to your cut of tea different other things like milk and sugar then you understand that the rest of the bodies mix in the other bodies in the same way. Each body do not vibrate at the same level, the physical body being the slowest in vibrations, and the atmic body being the highest in vibrations. And this must have a meaning; the higher the vibration the more the manifestation of God is possible. That means, God is very much felt from the upper bodies than the lower ones. The lower bodies are : The physical body, the astral body, the mental body. The higher bodies are : the Causal body , the buddic body and the Atmic body. So from here you can say we can divide a human into 2 groups of bodies ( the lower bodies and the higher bodies). But why must we consider this division? well this is so we can come to answer most of the questions we commonly do not manage to answer and that keeps us still. What is life, what is God, what is our purpose in life? why should we look for God? how to do that? One could answer to most of these questions from this knowledge of bodies. I'll explain. The lower bodies is a trinity (1,2,3 bodies), this group of body is an image of the higher bodies, which is also a trinity. Trinity as you might already know is the expression of a life. So to what kind of life a normal human being usually have, the answer is, to the "The life of the lower bodies", yes since human in general function in that lower group of bodies. The group of lower bodies is the lower nature of a human, and the the group of higher bodies is the higher self of human nature. Let's develop a bit more, the lower nature is connected to the lower worlds, to the lower regions of the universe, and the higher nature is connected to he higher worlds, or higher plans of existence, the spiritual worlds. And it goes like this: the physical body = the physical world ( We can all see and touch ) The astral body = The astral world ( the world of our feelings and desires) The mental body = The mental world ( The world of thoughts) The causal body = The world of Ideas, Intuition, The knowledge of God. The buddic body = The world of Universal Love, The love of God The Atmic body = The world of Divine Power, the will of God. So same as our physical body moves and lives in the physical world, the rest of bodies move and live in their respective world. Now before I keep on, here's something to understand. Each body contains the rest of other bodies, for example. when we sleep, our astral body leaves our physical physical, it takes with him the rest of the bodies. The same thing happen when our physical body dies. All esoteric people say that a human being is structured in the same way as the universe, because humans is a small universe. That means everything we find in us should be found outside of us, in the bigger universe right? So here's what they are in the outside world First of all I must say that I have no idea how big the universe is, I strongly believe it to be infinite, so I'll take a smaller universe as an example, the solar system. The 7 planets are our 7 bodies. The physical body = earth The Etheric body = Moon The astral body = Mars ( Moon too) the mental body = mercury the causal body = Jupiter The buddic body = Venus The atmic body = Saturn. But the way I've positioned the planets changes from one spiritual system (school) to an other, so your discernment is needed. From the outside universe we can see clearer and study in details about our own bodies we can't see. For example, science know that mercury is the closest planet to the sun. If you considered The sun as the expression of the Divine world, and Mercury as our mental body, it would be clear that our mind is closest to the Divine world than the rest of the lower bodies (physical and astral bodies). Also science found out that although mercury is the closest to the sun, it's not the hottest, the hottest is Venus, Venus in us is the buddic body, so it then makes sense why it's so hot, because our buddic body is full of love ( heat). The love of God. And Mars is also known to be hot, but not the same kind of hot, being connected to our astral body, this hot is our human way of loving. Science say that the reason why mercury is not as hot as Venus is that mercury almost has no atmosphere, so the heat is lost all the time, this explains why our mind doesn't know how to love, but it knows more of the light of God ( the beams of the sun). This is why spiritualists empty the mind to connect to God, because that is how Mercury does, removing its atmosphere ( thoughts) to let the light touch him entirely. And there's so many more things we can understand from the solar system, but I would make of this post a book (too much of reading). So let your personal meditation to take you as far as to even match the 7 planets, the 7 days of the week to 7 chackras of our bodies. Those bodies energies gather together in each body in the form of a Chakra, so we can use the chakras to touch the spiritual body we want to develop. This is why chakra development was introduced in the practical spirituality for centuries. I would stick to the post important thing for this topic. Our lower nature being an image of the higher nature, needs to purify itself, the lower nature mission is to try and identify itself to the higher nature. The higher bodies trinity is indeed our higher nature, our true self. Our higher self is looking at a mirror (Time and space), and what he sees is its image ( the lower self). Most of us have our consciences in(working in) the image, in that other person of the mirror. We are living a in mirror, in an illusion, because the image is not the true us. When we move our consciousness from our physical body into the astral body, we feel and desire whatever is going on in the astral world; the same when we move our consciousness into the causal body, we hear voice of God (the cosmic music, and spiritual ideas); And when we move our consciousness into the buddic body, we can love, truly love, and desire whatever goes on in the spiritual world, beauty can now be felt. As for the atmic body, don't ask me, I just do not know honestly. The good news is that the causal body is the entry point to our higher nature, and that's where we are all going, and some of us are already there. When a human get to live his causal body most of the time, we say that the spiritual world is opened to him. That's where to me spirituality begins, where someone is reborn-ed, and can now make his way up to the top. In reality when someone get to use his casual body, he also get to use a bit of his buddic and atmic body, because these 3 bodies are an entity, they work together. Just like our physical, astral and mental body work together. Those bodies are mixed. that's why when we think, we can feel and act instantly. each body affect the other body. So the development of one will affect the others too. For example, you purified your physical body, then the next body, the astral body is also affected and it copies the physical body state. Now if you purify the astral body, it will influence both , the physical body and the mental body, because the astral body is in the center of our lower nature. This is why religion gave priority in developing a good heart, by giving us the "Do and don't does of life " ex: do not eat that, do not kill people, do not judge, do not insult etc , This is all to help us keep an acceptable astral body vibration. And to my view that's where the mission of religions stops. Now for all who have tried to go beyond, who have higher Goals, Things goes as far as to rise the astral and mental vibrations and then the causal vibrations. This is when we have understood that The state of the mind body influences, changes strongly the astral body's state; The state of the astral body changes the state (wealth ) of the physical body. The state of the physical body affect our physical body and astral body and all the astral bodies around us in the visible world. This is why, it's useless to force a spiritual face, because if your inside is pure enough, your face will have the expression of that purity. In fact we can't hide what we develop inside us. It always comes out. Always. and it does not only stops to us, those changes that started inside will go out and influence everybody around us, and the higher we vibrate, the more positive influence we have on people's inner world. Love and li
ght to you.

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