The king ordered all (Colonial American)owners to free their Indian slaves (c1752).
The loss of their slaves, however, would have devastated the plantations, and so the owners simply tried to turn us Black.
How could you trick the Royal crown into believing an eastern woodland Indian is black?
Simple, Geovanni de Verranzo said it in his letter to King Francis that the Indians along the Cape Fear looked like Ethiopians.
John Lawson and Christopher von Graffenried also said this about the natives of this region then in later years, the 1800's this was taken to an even higher level through the lies, deception and paper genocide by Walter Ashby Plecker.
This happened to be the case up the east coast.....and because of this, the Colonial deception began.
Did you know after the Emancipation Proclamation, thousands of Indians walked off the cotton fields along with the Blacks?
The relationship between the Indian people and the local and federal governments has always been an adversarial one.
The Federal government was the adversary to blacks and Indians while blacks and Indians were allies.
Role reversal: today many Indians have befriended the government who tried to destroy them while making blacks the new enemy; even making natives who are copper complexion and dark brown their enemies to the point of disowning family members to make sure they're in good standing with the government.... don't want to lose those little benefits.
At the request of the federal government, one drop of black blood disqualifies you from being a friend of the government or a ward, a domestic Indian or the word they would rather I use, RECOGNIZED...by Fed & State.
Fear of land lawsuits (and recently gambling) has caused many elected officials to deny our existence.
The federal and state laws were amended to guarantee Blacks the same freedoms as Whites.
This has never been done for Indians....
Indian People today who still fit the above description get the worst treatment from not only people of European descent but also African Americans, white skinned, light skinned and Spanish looking indians.
Not all but many treat us disrespectfully. Whites say we don't exist because we don't look like the TV indians, Afrocentrics say you are Africans, embrace mother Africa and Spanish looking natives say stop claiming their culture.....WTF...are you kidding?
Nope, I don't look like Hollywood. Very few of us do on the east coast.
Plus Geovanni de Verranzo didn't describe Hollywood in his letter to King Francis did he.
Many of my cousins look white and spanish but they are as Indigenous as I am and I as they are. We have the same grandparents and other relatives so they are my family.
As a whole, we are the only people in this country that must prove who we are, and we are the most regulated people in America today! I'm talking about all natives and the darker you are the worse it gets.
Indigenous people were not even allowed to become citizens until 1924, and worse still, Indian graveyards were not protected until 1987.
The relationship between blacks & Indians is one of the best kept American secrets.
Walter Ashby Pecker, I mean Plecker, the famed white supremacist...
After helping win passage in
1924 of a strict race classification and anti-miscegenation law
called the Racial Integrity Act,
Plecker engaged in a zealous campaign to prevent what he
considered “destruction of the white or higher civilization.”
When he perceived Indians as threats to enforcing the color line,
he used the tools of his office to
endeavour to crush native Americans and deny their existence.
He wrote us out of existence with his pen which in this day and age is mightier than the sword.
Many Western tribes experienced government neglect during the 20th century, but the Virginia
story was different: The Indians were consciously targeted for mistreatment.
Plecker changed racial labels on vital records to classify Indians as “colored,” investigated the
pedigrees of racially “suspect” citizens, and provided information to block or annul interracial
marriages with whites.
He testified against Indians who challenged the law.
He also targeted known Indian surnames to make them colored on record instead of indian.
30 states passed similar legislation. NC & SC followed Virginia's lead in misclassifying indians.
Many families were destroyed and split in half & fractured due to this and today many are surfing the waves of paper trails left behind by these racist government officials, departments with their policies and laws to reclaim their ancestry, reunite with relatives and right the many wrongs committed by bad people.
Racial relations, hate, distrust & confusion is so intertwined in the fabric of American culture that now indians discriminate against themselves leaving many Indian tribes stuck and non-progressive.
The east coast was the first to make European contact, specifically the Carolina tribes..
From the beginning of first contact, they stole our women, men & children and shipped them to the West Indies & Europe.
Later came the stealing of land and people which resulted in many wars between indians and the whites.
Today 2017-18, almost 500 years later from a history of fighting, slavery, intermarrying, mixing, trading and again fighting with the French, English, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Italians, African Moors, Asians, etc..
....all of this almost 500 years later, isn't it common sense that we will have a diverse make up, looking different because of all of the different racial groups we had contact with resulting in some of us looking light & almost white, some looking brown, light brown, dark brown, reddish brown, tan, tawny, copper, yellowish....all with legitimate native American ancestral lineage?
This doesn't exclude the colonials who had children by native women to place them in the tribal leadership positions to lead the tribe as a European would for the purpose of land acquisition or those who bought their way into Indian tribes for a few dollars again for acquiring land, stealing it.
Yes this really happened. This is also real documented and verified American history.
Everyone whose ever landed on the Atlantic shore and mixed in with the natives, became what the natives were.
If an African mixes into a native American tribe, the tribe doesn't become African, the African becomes what the dominant culture is.
The same goes for Irish and so on.
Today we wear many faces showing our diversity and our pain because what created this diversity came at a huge cost because we are fragmented, lost and individualistic today, but....
Standing Rock is proof that we still have it in us to be great.
Many Indian nations coming together is proof of that.
I see the water protectors, "Se_be-' be' nieye hii_da", Ancient Immovable Indian Warrior Spirit, in the Dakotas fighting the NoDAPL....
Florida fighting the SABAL TRAIL PL and North Carolina fighting NoACPL ContaMyNation.
I see this ancient warrior spirit in all the mothers raising their children to be real men & women when so much is in opposition to you.
I see it in fathers being father's to their children like my father was and is to me. My father Lovell Pierce is the greatest man I know and I'm honoured to bear his name as my own.
I only hope that these words cause you to pause a few minutes out of your hectic lives to THINK & consider the possibilities of reducing the chatter a little so we can be heard because under all of the chatter is a voice.
I hear it everytime someone sings & drums so I know we have one.
Keep in mind, On the drum there's no chatter, only music even though there's a group of people speaking at the same time.
Also remember, you can't control or dictate how your DNA decides you will come out looking when you're born.
With Europeans (Spanish, French, English, Irish), Middle Eastern ( Jew, African-Moor) and Asian-Mongols floating around in our DNA, there's no telling how you might come out looking.
You will usually look like your parents but not always, not 100% of the time. You may show a trait, characteristic or something from one of the above ethnicities but does that make you a non native if you and your traceable ancestors have been here before the time of European arrival?
Of course not but this is the game the Colonial Racist Powers play to keep us separated, fragmented, weak and individualistic.
In-Divid-U-All ( individual ) = Weak
1. Everything has been made black and white by those who control all of our lives.
2. Black lives matter BLM says no one cares about black lives.
3. All lives matter is people saying they are under the boot of tyranny too but no one cares because BLM gets all of the media attention.
4. Certain entities have a vested interest in Black lives matter being in front of Native Americans lives matter, Hispanic Lives matter, Asian Lives matter, etc etc etc...
5. This make it look like one groups problems are more important than the others....now people are turning on each other and this is fueled via media.
6. Division is the goal and the goal is being met.
7. You are either a player in this game, a spectator cheering for one side over the other or the owner who writes the paychecks thus controlling the lives of everyone involved.
8. Black Lives Matter uses the history of slavery to show a relation between todays OFFICERS & yesterdays OVERSEERS.
9. Few Facts you may not know so look it up. It's public knowledge, just not public school knowledge.
-Native American Slavery existed before African slavery....decimation, genocide, theft, rape, sold and shipped to west indies, reclassified, renamed and the fact that you have to keep mentioning this to Americans seems fucking redundant ...
-Blacks (African & European Black Moorish royalty) owned white slaves. Yes, white people were slaves at one time in history(look it up).
-Africans sold Africans to other Africans and Africans sold Africans to White Europeans for profit, into slavery...it was business.
-African Moors was just as brutal to white slaves as Whites were to Africans....why aren't we taught this in school.
-Your controllers need you to be ignorant to this so they can remain being your controller.
-Native Americans trying hard to be like their white and black oppressors started getting involved in this lucrative business of selling other natives.
-Converting to white peoples religion and getting in on the slave trade business, some Natives thought this would make them equal to the whites...Wrong.
-White people had something called "Manifest Destiny" & "The Doctrine Of Discovery" given and divinely ordained by the Pope which made every non white, non Christian human on the planet an inferior species suitable for either enslavement or extermination.
10. If everyone knew these facts and this is only scratching the surface, maybe you wouldn't be so judgemental towards each other, so ready to kill in the name of whatever God you believe in, whatever religion you practice and maybe you'll have more compassion & empathy for other humans.
Truth is there's an enemy to humanity out here that truly exist and one of the enemy's many strategies is to pray on the small-narrow-closed minded, bigoted, privileged human beings by programming them through television PROGRAMS, MEDIA & SCRIPTURE to live their lives controlled by the reptilian brain of survival mode, tribalism and every man for themselves.
It's obvious that this strategy is working because no one seems to be able to understand the others pain and frustration, racism and prejudice is still prevalent and religion is dividing more than it is uniting.
The world is a mess.
If a dog is beaten and caught on camera, you will have so much compassion for the dog (and you should) and outrage toward it's abuser but if a black person is gunned down by a sworn to protect officer, you automatically assume the officers response was probably justified.
You will actually look for justifications or hope there's a just reason for the killing. This is a problem but you want to know what another problem is, it's when your world leaders or world Bankers finance anarchy, finance media to sway opinions to get people in a frinzzy thinking that if you are the opposite race, color or religion then you are the enemy....
this leads to more police being on edge, more blacks feeling like their lives are no more important than a mosquito that's swatted, hispanic lives, Asian Lives and lower to middle class white lives are less important & Native Americans lives are not even counted among any of the lives that matter.
Native Americans are a constant reminder that Christians were just like Islamic extremist at one point in history.
Natives are an eye sore and thorn in the ass of America because the American leadership says America is the greatest place on earth but when you see natives on reservations looking like third world countries this says America isn't the greatest.
Natives are also gunned down by authority figures, suffer some of the highest life style diseases, can't speak the language of their nations or either it's dying out & on the east coast many don't even know who they are because of racial reclassification, etc., etc., etc. (The only human who has to prove their nationality-wow).
See, before there was a westward expansion, we had to deal with the eastern Atlantic invasion which eventually led to the westward expansion(a few of my western brothers and sisters seem to forget that).
If our western brothers and sisters can't have compassion for the rape of our ancestors on the east coast but you say you are all about Indigenous people, then you are living a lie, speaking out of both sides of your mouth, sounding like a colonial. Please don't be like that.
Reading this and the average white response is, "the Indians are better off then they were before we settled here because now they have reservations, casinos, have access to grants and they get monthly checks from the federal government".
You would think the government is looking out for native people with their best interest at heart....NOPE.
Did you know that a strategy to take this land free and clear under the nose of the British crown was to kill off many elders (because they knew too much) and kill the warriors (because they could rebel and mess up the plan)....once they are out of the way, we (White Colonials) will take Indian women, have children by them, teach them our ways and customs and become leaders in the tribe. The tribe will become ours.
Many chiefs today look more European then not. One Oklahoma chief even spoke about his close ties to his Irish ancestors.
The point I'm making is, everyone on this dirt has a story of oppression and death. The world powers make you think that you are the only one with a story so you in your mind become more important than the stories that's swept under the rug which belongs to the rest of the people in America.
These people who are swept under becomes upset that their story isn't heard....then the different groups square off at each other saying the most hateful things and even erupting into violent clashes. All of this is increased by biased and targeted media coverage.
Then politicians create new things based off of the anarchy which is either more taxation and less freedom.
The key is understanding each other's story. We all have one. If you ignore my story then you become part of the problem. If we face each other's story head on then we become part of the solution.
The only other possible outcome is humanities self destruction and possible extinction.
I can't fault the many mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters of a sibling or a child who's gotten killed in the streets...
I can't fault these individuals for joining organizations like black lives matter because they're operating on pure emotion and loss and the reasons behind them protesting or joining any organization like that is not a political one, it's not to sway a demographic or influence people to vote democrat or republican, parents join these groups to bring light to the loved one that they lost.
Now the organization founders may have hidden agendas and according to some authorities it seems like they may have hidden agendas but too often people confuse the hidden agendas of organization founders with people who have actually experienced real loss.
The organization founders with hidden agendas are usually backed by some government agency with thousands of dollars to fund the organization and the government alphabet agency usually has hate mongers and people who like to stir up confusion embed throughout these organizations.
Again all too often people are quick to rush to judgment and blame everyone involved with the organization as having the same goal and same agenda but like i said before many of the parents and siblings involved in these organizations are experiencing loss and are operating on pure bereavement even if the loss happened 10 years ago or longer.
You never get over a loss and it is always an emptiness that's there and the world leaders know how to tap in to this emptiness to trigger that emotion.
Imagine if you are a parent and today got a phone call saying your child is dead. What would you do? How would you act? Casual? Broken and beaten? How ?
The black community should make it a point to understand that white kids are dying too.
Native Americans are hardly ever mentioned and hispanic kids are looked at as light skinned niggas.
I'm not going to quote numbers and statistics because many of these numbers continue to divide people because the data doesn't accurately reflect what's going on in this country.
Look, since The Invasion of Turtle Island this continent has become a Melting Pot of many ethnic groups, it has become extremely diverse so that means there's many cultural differences and people are going to think differently however regardless of your cultural upbringing if you do not have empathy for all of those who are different from you then you are a major part of the problem you are protesting against, voting against and arguing about.
I'm usually positive and optimistic.
I'm optimistic that my training and awareness will get me further than most because i know Walmart can't help me in the case of a potential economic collapse but indigenous, primitive, prepper and Combative training might be the insurance I need.
My honest advice to all of you is to start learning survival skills. Combatives, food and shelter.
These television programs and movies playing these days are prepatory tools for those who get it......got it.....good.
Prepare for the worst but hope for the best. ...
Better to be over prepared.
Feel free to agree or disagree.
This message isn't directed at anyone. ..it's directed at everyone.
It's ok to share
Rah: Ga' Wah neh
Stá·kwiʔáh Čuʔwahrú·wa?
Chief Eagle Elk
Sunday, January 28, 2018
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